Monday, July 26, 2010

It's going to be HOT

The group had a pre-trip meeting this Sunday. We were is going to be hot, real hot. Like legs sticking together, looks like I just jumped in a lake hot! I have never been too fond of intense heat, it might be the hardest part of the trip. In this crazy heat we will be building a church, a home and a school (not in totality but additions and repairs). The interesting story is about the school. The church that we are staying at is also a school. It has the rooms available and the entire building has been inspected and approved, it is safe. However, the children are so scared to be inside (they live in tents). So we are putting a roof and short wall around the side of the church for the children to attend school. It's sad to hear how fear is crippling the people. It's not just the children. The leaders of the trip just returned from a short visit to Haiti and spoke of this air of hopelessness. I can not imagine a life without hope. For me, hope is found in your reason for living, whatever it may be. My prayer is that we provide the building to rebuild hope. That we can give at least one person a place to find hope in the church, school or their own home.

7 Days and Counting

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Need Pants

I will be departing for Haiti in less than a month. As I am beginning to gather the particulars, I can not find pants. I need those (oh so trendy) light weight cargo-looking, zips off into shorts pants. I found some similar at Old Navy and Walmart (ugh) but I can not find the ones that zip. If you have any idea as to where I could locate this pant, please let me know.

In other news: the anticipation is killing me. One day I feel completely prepared and the next feel as though this will be a big joke. I have this idea that the greater and more involved my expectations are, the level of anticipation grows more intense. I am trying to draw realistic expectations of the trip, not project grand coming-to-Jesus moments or indifferent labor but something in between. I think the thing I am most looking forward to is looking back. I am a retrospective person, so I am interested to dive into the reflections of it all. But, I am not going to get ahead of myself.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Details

Location: Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
Dates: August 7 - 14, 2010
Group: Go Journeys, Hope Presbyterian Church

Why: Since I have been home, I have promised myself that I would move to Colorado by January of 2010...ok, well maybe June. As June has come and gone and my deadline has once again been pushed back (I am moving in October), I decided to use my vacation time to go on a trip. At first, I thought about Canada or New Zealand - there is actually a famous triathlon in New Zealand in August which I considered doing. However, not one of the leisure options was really affordable and the time lines were not matching up with my schedule. Then one day in church, I heard about a trip to Belize. It was the right price and the right time. One week later I signed up for a fun filled week teaching VBS in Belize! Then one week later the trip was changed to construction work in Haiti... how about that for a change of plans. I decided not to pull out from the trip despite the dramatic changes. I have never been on a mission trip, and what a way to start. Haiti is obviously in great need. I know I will experience cultural shock and will see devastation and pain. Though I have hesitations and fears, I am excited to see the hope and joy that is present even in the darkest of circumstances. I have few expectations for the trip but I know that I will see a different world from the one I live. I hope my life will change.

If you would like to make a donation, please send a check made out to Hope Church with my name and Haiti -GO Journey in a note with the check or on the " for " line.
Hope Church
8500 Walnut Grove Road
Cordova, TN 38018
Thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.