Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Perspective

After a month being back in the US, I have had time to reflect on my experience. Some people travel to third world nations and come back whole new individuals with a new perspective on life and a profound appreciation for their life. Do I know that I am blessed...yes. I didn't need Haiti to show me that. I already knew that I love air-condition, padded seats and clean water. What I learned is that there is beauty in every situation. I am a realist on the verge of being a pessimist and often forget to look for the good in the situation. In Haiti, there is no infrastructure. There is a constant smell of trash, urine and sewage. There is little opportunity for the people to escape their reality. Are they angry and sad...yes. But many of them find joy. They find it in religion, family and the other simple pleasures that we so often take for granted. In order to honor the time I spent in Haiti, I try to breath a little deeper and take in the simple joys of my life. It is hard to describe Haiti because it really is another reality, so very different from the one I live in.

Other interesting notes:

1. I am a mule... there was Jesus, who was a carpenter by trade, he could use a hammer. And then there was His mule that carried His supplies, I am a mule. I am terrible at hammering nails but I can carry wood, cement blocks and the like.

2. When you can't get away from a bad smelling's you that smells bad. Go take a shower!

3. Me and children do not mix. We went to an orphanage the second day we were there to play with 100 children. I felt as though I was being tortured. I can not understand English-speaking kids, let alone Haitian ones. I just don't have a soft-spot in my heart for children...however, they are cute in pictures.

4. I truly missed my friends and family. No, I was not home-sick. I was only gone a week. But when you experience such a different reality, you need to express your thoughts. Oh wait, the people you love and trust can not be reach at this time, please hang up and try again. I was able to develop some friendships and share but it is just not the same.

5. Goat taste like beef-jerky. And I really like beef-jerky.

6. Not having a cell phone, computer and any other electronic device for a week was an absolute pleasure.

7. I can mix concrete...just call me the Sr.Concrete-Mix-A-Lot

8. I under pack. I do not like to check bags on flights. However, when travelling to third-world countries for a week, it might be a good idea. I was lucky enough to travel with one individual who so graciously took care of my luggage short-comings.

9. Poop was the topic of way too many conversations.

10. I want to see more of this world.